Welcome to the site.
There’s a lot of material here.
Lately, most of my work has involved artists and arts organizations, but there’s a fair spattering of corporate, commercial, and non-profit projects as well.
Past projects have involved extensive travel throughout Europe and the Middle East. Other parts of the past (that have slipped by the wayside) include sports, news, animals, and low-budget features, (which I am always happy to jump back into.)
How this site works
This site is essentially a collection of videos that I worked on for folks to enjoy.
My recommendation is to click on a topic of interest and start watching clips. On some of the longer pieces, just click anywhere on the timeline to see if you want to stay with it or move on. Either way is fine—that’s the intent. I’ve tried not to post anything excruciatingly dull.
Leave a comment or question on the contact page. I’d be delighted to hear from you.
Get clicking,